Protocol Title
Procalcitonin and Brain Natriuretic Peptides in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Principal Investigator, Study Site and Contact Information
Jeffrey Silberzweig, MD
The Rogosin Institute
505 East 70th Street
New York, NY 10021
Phone Number: (212) 746-1562
Brief Summary of the Protocol
The purpose of this study is to see if a blood test called Brain Natriuretic Protein (BNP) can demonstrate the presence of extra fluid in participants with chronic kidney disease treated by hemodialysis. It will also try to see if another blood test called Procalcitonin (PCT) can help identify the cause of the fever, specifically if a fever is caused by a bacterial infection. It will also evaluate whether new blood tests in the future can be developed to help predict other complications in patients with chronic kidney disease treated by hemodialysis.
The study will involve a baseline visit that will include a review of the participant’s medical and dialysis treatment history, a physical exam and clinical blood tests as part of the standard of care, and research laboratory tests for BNP and PCT. Participants will be provided an option to have genetic (including DNA and RNA) tests obtained for new tests to be developed in the future. Monthly follow-up visits will include a physical exam and clinical laboratory tests performed as part of the standard of care. If a participant shows signs of infection or shortness of breath, additional research laboratory tests will be obtained. The study will last approximately three years.
Key Eligibility
- Males or females, 18 year of age or older
- Patients receiving treatment at The Rogosin Institute hemodialysis treatment facilities
Additional eligibility criteria will be reviewed with the study team. Identifier: NCT03698877