During this pandemic, at Rogosin dialysis centers throughout the metropolitan area, we are continuing to provide life-sustaining hemodialysis treatments to our patients. Staff are working together to maintain a safe environment for everyone coming to our centers and to deliver care in innovative ways.
Telehealth Reduces the Need for In-Person Visits
While most hemodialysis patients must come in several days a week, patients using home dialysis therapies, such as peritoneal dialysis or home hemodialysis, are seen and assessed by their nephrologist at least monthly. Last year, Rogosin began offering telehealth services to some of our home dialysis patients. As we faced the pandemic, we were quickly able to expand the use of this technology to many more patients suffering with kidney disease. In April alone, we saw a 400% increase in all telehealth services, greatly reducing the need for in-person visits.
“Telehealth, when appropriate, allows us to keep our patients and staff safe while providing excellent patient care,” says Vesh Srivatana, MD, Director of Peritoneal Dialysis. “Telehealth is helping us to limit physical congregation in our facilities and maintain social distancing. Our nephrologists can continue serving urgent in-center hemodialysis needs or inpatient hospital needs, while patients at home can dial in for continuity of care. All members of the care team, including advanced practice providers, home dialysis nurses, nutritionists, and social workers, are eligible to participate in the calls and limit their risk of exposure.”
The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted the value of both home dialysis and telehealth for patients and staff. Overall, the response among participating patients and providers has been extremely positive.
Peritoneal Dialysis Helps Save Lives of Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients
Rogosin physicians also provide kidney care for patients at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell. As the number of COVID-19 patients surged, many in intensive care units experienced kidney failure and required dialysis. Suddenly, hospitals across the City were seeing a shortage in dialysis machines needed to provide life-saving care to these patients. Because our nephrologists are experienced in the use of peritoneal dialysis, they were able to work with the care team at NYP/Weill Cornell to provide another option for patient care during this very difficult time. “Using a peritoneal catheter with some patients, freed up dialysis machines for other critically ill patients,” says Dr. Srivatana, “and helped save many more lives.”
A paper on this urgent dialysis treatment used during the COVID-19 crisis by Rogosin nephrologists and others in the United States and Canada was published in ASN’s Kidney360 online publication. Read more here.